Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sixes and Fixes

I'm up to 6 miles now!! I did 5.5 on Wednesday and then 6 yesterday. Still not fast by any means, but I'm getting there. Wednesday's pace was around 8:32 while Friday's was close to 8:44. It was friggin hot out there folks!! My IT band was hurtin a little bit on Wednesday.....BUT, on Friday....there was NO pain!!!! Not sure what changed really. I did wear an IT band support wrap on Friday's run, but that hasn't done much for me before, so who knows. Regardless, it felt SUPER....for the first time in a while, I felt FIXED.

I'm still going to take it slow as I build myself back up, but I really feel like I'm getting there. It's amazing how far back I fell though in terms of speed and endurance. I have some serious work to do on my breathing and hydration which should help things a bit.

Rock out!

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