I did another last minute decision 5k this weekend....the Tremont Turkey Festival 5k! Believe it or not, but this was my first ever Turkey Festival 5k....which is strange because I went to school at Tremont! I was pretty nervous about the race...I really wasn't planning to do any 5ks this summer because I figured the speed work might be too stressful on the knee, and I certainly don't want to do anything that will delay my training plan for Chicago. But....I woke up to a very muggy morning on Saturday and decided to make it happen. AND...the wifey AND the Mom2 ran it with me!!!! This was the wifey's first ever 5k...so how cool is that??!!
I saw a lot of folks that I know/went to school with....many of which did not recognize me! ;) I also saw the Johnson family, who completely ROCKED the course, as always (those dudes are amazing!!).
Considering that last week was really my first week back from IT Band recovery, I was pretty pleased with my time - 21:45. Not a PR, but I still pushed it pretty good. Overall, it was a great experience and a race that I'll probably continue to run. There's talk of a mini-triathlon in Tremont in a couple of weeks....Hmmmm.....
Race results: http://www.lakerunclub.org/results/2010/TTF_5K_OVERALL.HTM
Me with my Turkey...errr...game-face on pre-race

The wifey and Mom2 ready to pound out 3.1!!!

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