Yesterday the weather was absolutely beautiful so I decided to get my long run. I had to go into work for a class and as soon as I was done I gathered up my gear, found a place (phone booth) to change into my costume, and I was off. I haven't ran in B-ton in a very long time, so prior to getting started I did some route recon. The Constitution Trail is a very nice benefit to the Normal citizens of B-ton (insert corny drum sound here) and it sounded like a good place for me to start.
I parked on one side of town and decided that I would run out about 7.5 and then turn around. It kind of worked.....except the trail ended just before I hit the 5 mile mark....soooo, I had to improvise a bit. would have worked out swell, except I wasn't feeling too great for most of the run. I had stomach cramps for the first 7 the time I started feeling better my legs started cramping up. Then and mile 10 I actually had to stop for a second and suck down some Gu and Gatorade. That seemed to help with the stomach issues, but my dogs were still barkin pretty bad. I was VERY close to stopping at 10 miles, but like a good little soldier, I sucked it up and drove on. I was happy with my distance (15 miles), but I wasn't too pleased with my speed. I was waaaay too slow. I suspect the stomach issues were related to my diet.....I probably hadn't eaten enough. I downed a full bagel with jelly in the early morning and then had a banana about 3.5 hours before I started the run. Me thinks my tummy needed more, I was not properly hydrated. Oh well.....15 slow miles is a heckuva lot better than nuthin.
I'm still planning to do some intervals (5 miles?) and arms/shoulders tomorrow, but so far I'm at 36 miles for the week.
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