But for good reason....for around two months I've been dealing with some soreness in my knee. Well, about 2.5 weeks ago I did a nice 10 miler (in the rain) and I had to negotiate a significant obstacle.....a huge ass hill!! Seriously, it had to be around a 1/2 mile. After negotiating the hilly obstacle, I felt fine. But once I reached my FOB (forward operating base....aka home) I immediately began to feel pain...not soreness, but pain, in my right knee...which lasted for a few days.
I tried to get a few runs in afterwards, but the knee just wasn't having it. My mileage has been extremely low and with the Illinois Half coming up in less than 3 weeks, I knew I kneeded to take action.
I took a trip into a sports medicine office today and had some xrays taken. Good news: nothing is structurally wrong with my knee!! Bad news: lots of inflammation and fluid. So, the doc laid out my options: 1. lay off the running for even longer, continue to take Ibuprofen, and gradually work my way back to higher mileage 2. Get a cortisone shot and possibly be ready to go in two weeks or less. I told the doc that I don't do well with gradual and slow healing....and then said I was leaning towards the cortisone.
I asked him if the shot hurt, he said yep. I said, let's do it doc. Yeah, cuz that's how I roll. (note: please do not validate this story with the doctor....due to doctor-patient confidentiality reasons, of course). Sooo....after the doc provided me with SEVERAL warnings about the EXTREME pain, I decided that it was time to drive on anyway. He pulled out a needle, which appeared to be a good 3-4 feet in length, and poked me with the good stuff right in the sore spot.
The doc said some people begin to notice improvement within a day or two and some people feel it after about two weeks. I have no time to waste, so I'm hoping I begin to feel the results soon.
See said knee below. WARNING: Due to the graphic nature of this picture, I strongly urge you to restrict viewing by minors and non-runners.

Geez!! Well, I hope it gets to feeling better soon!!!