Tremont Turkey Fest 5K: 20:09....3rd in my AG! I had a great race. But, sooo close to my goal of finishing a 5K in under 20:00...soon.

Steamboat Classic PR and a great race!! This is one of the most challening 15Ks around. It has a beast of a hill that sucks the energy right out of you...and the course takes you up the hill twice! I felt pretty good during the race, just a bit of side cramping that never really developed into anything serious. The hill is definitely a character builder.

Yeah, so maybe I need to score some new race day clothes. :)
Cookie Club Racing....messy faces in .32 seconds...also a new PR!!

With the exception of the past week or so, I have still been rockin the gym and the pavement. The last week has been a different story though. I had some unexpected travel and stuff come up for work and my routine has been pretty shaken up. My eating certainly hasn't been great and my runs have been minimal. Proof that this journey of healthy living is never complete....always at war, just different battles along the way.
I'm looking forward to getting back into the routine this coming week. I've been doing a lot of high intensity training at the gym (The Big 55, crossfit-like workouts, sprints, tire flips, etc) and it has been kicking my butt. Winning.
I also had an opportunity to go for my first Texas run earlier this week....95 degrees...but, it was as dry heat. :) It was actually a pretty interesting run. I had just flown into Texas and knew that I needed to sweat it out a bit just to get the endorphins moving. I was only planning to do 3 or 4 (for some reason my post-flight runs never feel great). I didn't really have a route mapped out and I really had no idea where I was going. But, I found a sidewalk and decided to just use my garmin to tell me when to turn around and head back to the hotel. This plan was going quite ADD brain saw a nice residential area and thought 'how about I just take a looksy at this neighborhood?'. Yeah, mistake #1.
I got deep into the residential area....distracted by the nice homes...and suddenly realized that all of the nice homes were looking alike. Then I realized that I was totally lost. Every street that I turned down was either a dead end or led me to a busy intersection with no sign of my hotel.
5 miles into the run, the sun blazing down on me, and the early signs of panic beginning to settle in (i.e. I paused my music, stopped my garmin, and proceeded to cry, screaming 'Why God? Why???'...ok, I made that last part up...really, I did....).
Fortunately for me, the people of Texas are a very nice breed. Seriously, some of the nicest people on the planet. In fact, when I ran into a nursing home to ask for directions back to my hotel, only a few of the guests tried to trip me with their canes. Actually, without hesitation, they told me exactly where I needed to go. That's a first folks....thank God for the elderly. Anyway, 6 miles later I found my finish line at the Holiday Inn. Yep, that's right...I was chillin at the Holidae Innnn. Stop, drop, kaboom!
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