One Week....that's what stands between this moment and the most difficult running journey of my entire life. 26.2. 26.2. I see those numbers in everything....they haven't left my mind for several days now. 18 long weeks ago I started to train for this thing...and now I'm one week away from making it happen. Training is the challenge....the race is the reward. YEAH.
Since my last 2o miler, I've had some really solid runs. My long run that followed the 20 miler was absolutely outstanding. I did 13.25 at an 8:30 pace.....had a GREAT 13.1 time. The run felt perfect. I had some good runs during the week and then yesterday I capped off my weekend training runs with a decent 8 miler. I had intended to do a rehearsal run, sticking with marathon pace, but I ended up going just a little bit faster.....because I was cooold yo!
This coming week should be interesting. I have to admit, this tapering business ain't easy. I don't like not being able to run my standard mileage....especially when I want to continue to eat like I have been. I know I shouldn't be worried about gaining weight, but I am worried about overeating!! I just keep telling myself that after the race I'll get back to my normal fitness and nutrition routines.
I almost have my running gear ready to shoes-check, new socks-check, shorts-check, gel-check, official Chicago Marathon running shirt......on its way!!
Can't wait to read your recap!!