My recovery is officially complete....and I managed to get a few good runs in during the down time!
I wasn't quite sure when to start running again after Chicago on 10-10-10, but by 10-14-10 I was sooo ready to hit the pavement again. I did a nice 4 miler....and honestly, it felt like 14. My knees and feet were barkin, big time. I hit the pavement again on the following Saturday....got a nice 6.5 in. It felt great....still not 100% good to go, but I was well on my way.
On the following Monday I started back in the gym and back on the weights. This week I started working out with a fellow Gold's Gym morning regular. He's a cool guy and an Army Vet....we seem to be a good mix. We are going to rotate our strength training plans every other week or so. He's going to help me stick with a toning plan (lighter weights/higher reps) since I always want to lift heavy...and I'm going to help us pack on more muscle (higher weights/lower reps).
On Monday we hit BIG chest and followed it up with a 5 mile treadmill run. On Tuesday we did the standard 7 mile run and then hit abs. Wednesday was a no run day and instead we just hit back and lats really hard. On Thursday we did sprint intervals that felt fan-frickin-tastic. Then we followed it up with some legs and abs....YEAH! It had been looong time since I hit legs... On Friday we hit arms and shoulders and then we knocked out a quick 5 miles on the treadmill. I took Saturday off and then hit today with a nice 8.11 mile run in 1:06, 8:10 pace.....YEAH!!! Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta......or something like that.
It sure felt good to be back on the road again....felt even better to get the lead out with a tough hilly run. AND...I did it in my new Chicago Marathon participant shirt!!!!!!!!!!!
It sure felt good to be back on the road again....felt even better to get the lead out with a tough hilly run. AND...I did it in my new Chicago Marathon participant shirt!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to continue to hit the weights hard over the next several months. I'll also be doing some shorter races (5Ks) and then I'll start training for half-marathon season in the spring. I'll be posting my 2011 race calendar soon....so be ready loyal Ginnis readers!!
Glad to hear your back on it man!