Happy February!!!! Today was the first shorts run of 2011!!! Let me tell you, it...felt...FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC!! 13.1 miles in 1:49 and some change...a new outside training run PR! Lookout Illinois Half Marathon PR, HERE I COME!!!! I'm not sure if it was the awesome weather, the new shorts, or just the joy of running, but something hit me good today and I felt like I could run for days. I was only planning to run about 12, but when I realized that I was on pace for a nice training run PR, I decided to get the full half marathon in. I really, really had to convince myself to turn back home though.
Words just can't describe how a really good run makes you feel. There's just something about being in the running zone that makes you feel so alive. The zone...it's such a peaceful place to be. Everything moves right...arms, legs, breathing...everything just clicks. You live in the zone and you don't want to leave it.
I can't wait to be in the zone on my next race. Tell you one more thing....if I keep finding the zone, there's a good chance that I might just sign up for 26.2 in 2011....instead of waiting for 2012. We shall see loyal readers...we shall see.
It sure has been awesome out lately. Glad you're finding your grove man, keep it up!